When your pet is experiencing eye issues, scheduling a pet infection exam at Cleveland Pet Hospital and Health Center in Caldwell is the first step in treating cat eye infections and dog eye infections. Like us, pets rely on their senses to get through the day, and when one of those senses is not functioning at 100%, it creates problems.

Pet Eye Infections

What to Expect with a Pet Infection Exam

When a pet experiences an eye infection, a visit to the pet hospital is essential. The veterinarian will check the pet's eyes, take samples of any fluids, and run lab tests to determine the source of the infection. Once the source is diagnosed, the vet will know which medication to prescribe and any special steps for care to be provided at home. A follow-up appointment may be recommended once the dog's or cat's eye infection clears up.

Dog Eye Infections

Types of Eye Infections

Several common eye infections include:

- Abnormal Eyelids

- Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

- Cornea Inflammation

- Tear Gland Issues

- Uveitis

Causes of Eye Infections

Dog eye infections are caused by a variety of factors. Whether your canine stays indoors most of the time or goes outside frequently, there are environmental elements that can lead to an eye infection. Some causes of eye infections include:

- Allergens

- Bacteria

- Dirt

- Foreign Matter

- Fungus Spores

- Irritants

- Parasites

- Trauma

Cat Eye Infections

The causes of cat eye infections are similar to those affecting dogs. Cats can develop conjunctivitis caused by allergens and irritation from chemicals. Infections are also caused by viruses such as feline herpesvirus, feline immunodeficiency virus, and feline viral rhinotracheitis.

Contact Our Animal Hospital for an Appointment

At Cleveland Pet Hospital and Health Center in Caldwell, Dr. Slurink is confident in her ability to support pets in all stages of life with quality care. We strive to make a difference in your pet's overall health so that he or she can fully enjoy an active lifestyle. Whether you are scheduling a wellness examination, getting your pet vaccinated, or having your pet's eyes checked and treated for an infection, you can rely on us for the services your pet needs. Call us today to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian near you and ensure your pet’s eyes are healthy and infection-free.

Cleveland Pet Hospital & Health Center


2619 Cleveland Blvd,
Caldwell, ID 83605


8:00 am - 1:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

